The Road Map Of Early Development: Navigating Baby Milestones
Shortly after Isla was born, it became apparent that she had a side preference, always turning her head to the left while also struggling with movement. She had trouble lifting her chin from her chest and experienced challenges with eating as a newborn. This resulted in a flat spot on one side of her head.
Isla’s parents were determined to seek help for her but felt overwhelmed by the numerous appointments and lack of clear guidance they received. At the age of 2 months, they took her to a physical therapist (PT) to address her Torticollis, who recommended a helmet. However, they soon realized that the physical therapy wasn’t effectively improving her range of motion and realized a helmet would only provide a temporary solution without addressing the underlying root causes affecting her movement.
After researching natural care remedy options for Torticollis and Plagiocephaly, Isla’s parents decided to give Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic a try.
In the journey of your baby’s first year of life, you’ll witness astonishing growth and development. Throughout this transformative period, your little one will achieve significant milestones, known as baby milestones.
Baby milestones are the critical developmental achievements that most infants reach within specific age ranges. These milestones encompass physical, cognitive, and social skills, indicating that a baby is progressing as expected. In the traditional medical world, they serve as markers for tracking a child’s growth and identifying potential concerns at an early stage.
What’s important to remember is that no two babies are exactly alike, each will follow his or her unique path of development. Many babies do reach certain milestones at somewhat similar ages, but it’s entirely normal for a healthy baby to show variations in different areas.
The most important thing we can share with you in this article is something you will absolutely not hear or have explained to you in a traditional pediatrician’s office, and that is this – the order in which your child goes through these milestones matters far more than when they achieve them.
Meaning this, it’s more troublesome for a child to skip a stage of development or miss a milestone altogether than it is to be slightly delayed. For example, skipping crawling is more troublesome and problematic to their overall brain and neurological development than being a couple of months “late” in talking, walking, and so forth.
This is why it was so alarming and concerning when the CDC recently updated their Developmental Milestones charts and took crawling out altogether, and then pushed back some core speech milestones by another 6 months. Crawling is a very important gross motor skill that helps get the right and left sides of the brain connected and coordinated together, helping improve not only motor coordination and function later on in life but cognitive development and emotional regulation as well.
Once again, all milestones are meant to be a general guide and should be interpreted with caution, especially when coming from the CDC or standard pediatrician only. We encourage all parents who have any questions or concerns about their baby’s development and milestones to consult with a trained and experienced PX Doc, who are experts in neurological development and function. You can also find more information about Developmental Milestones from our PX perspective here.
During the first couple years of life, babies undergo remarkable transformations. While each child is unique and may develop at their own pace, understanding the typical milestones and their significance can provide parents with valuable insights into their child’s growth.
They can be a sign if things are getting off track with your child’s development, which can lead to children experiencing significant neurological and other developmental challenges later on in life.
Below is a brief list of milestones by month. For a more detailed list, check out this article.
Latches and breastfeeds easily and comfortably (on both sides)
Soothes and sleeps well
Easily digests their food and poops regularly
Tracks objects
Smiles at the sound of your voice
Opens and shuts hands
Brings hands to mouth
Holds their head and neck steady without support
Babbles, coos
Brings objects to their mouth
Pushes down when legs are placed on a firm surface
Rolls both ways
Pushes up with straight arms when on their tummy
Sits without or with little support
Transfers objects from hand to hand
Responds to sounds by making sound
Squealing noises
Enjoys looking at themselves in a mirror
Rolls in every direction
Bangs two things together
Uses fingers to pick up food and other objects
Plays Peek-a-boo
Shows several different facial expressions (happy, sad, angry)
The emergence of fear around strangers
Gets to a sitting position on their own
Pulls up to stand
Walks holding onto furniture
Stands momentarily without support
May begin walking on their own
Takes objects in and out of containers
Responds to “no”
Says “mama” and/or “dada”
Walks independently
Says at least 15 words
Can hold and use a play telephone, fork, spoon
Begins to run
Kicks a ball
Climbs up and down furniture unassisted
Uses simple phrases
Follows simple instructions
Imitates behavior
Begins to show defiant behavior
As mentioned above, we are more concerned with the order in which these milestones and developmental stages happen and how well they are linked or coordinated together.
Looking at things on the calendar and by age helps us become aware of a potential challenge or developmental delay, but it does nothing to help us identify the root cause of that potential problem or develop an action plan to help get your baby back on track.
As Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors, the entire focus of our clinical care is to find and address the root cause(s) head-on. In order to do just that, we’ve got to first assess and measure the function of the central and autonomic nervous system. This is the single most important measurement we can do for the overall health of infants and children of all ages, and it’s the one function that a standard pediatrician or medical provider is not equipped to provide.
To keep it simple, the development of the nervous system happens in two (2) primary phases. Phase 1 is the foundation of development for your precious newborn baby. Phase 1 includes:
Eat (latch, swallow, digest)
Sleep (soothe, calm)
Poop (mobility, absorption)
Move (motor milestones – head and neck control; sit up and roll over; crawl; walk; run; jump)
Phase 2 is considered the “finishings” and is the phase where the more advanced and complex brain and neurological functions come into play: Phase 2 consists of:
Speech + Communication
Socialization + Play
Behavioral + Emotional Regulation
Cognition + Learning
Before these more advanced brain and neurological functions that are essential for a child’s success in social and school situations can develop and function properly, the foundational basics must be fully developed and healthy. Therefore if your child still struggles with sleep, constipation, or immune health, they will likely continue to stay stuck and delayed in their social, speech, and cognitive development as well.
This is why so many parents report to us that despite doing months or even years of therapy later in life, their child has made little to no progress. We must address the foundation first, and that is yet another thing that sets our PX Docs Network and clinical protocols apart from not just the pediatrician, but PT, OT, and Speech Therapy as well.
As a child grows, their development becomes a journey marked by rapid changes in the brain. Week by week, millions of brain cells and neurons flourish, leading to a remarkable 64% increase in your one-year-old infant’s brain size compared to birth.
With such significant transformations happening, it is helpful to keep an eye on important baby milestones – but it is not the end all, be all. As stated above, the most important component of optimal brain and neurological development in babies is not “when” they reach a milestone, as much as it is in “what order” or “sequence,” they do it.
It is more beneficial to closely monitor the following key signs in your baby, as they may indicate the need to consult a trained Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractor specializing in neurodevelopment.
Frequent stiffening, arching, head, and neck cranking, excessive crying
Difficulty standing and inability to sit or stand independently by 12 months
Skipping crawling altogether or quickly moving from crawling to standing with a stiff and tense posture
Persistent struggles with sleep, digestion, and immune function
Excessive crying and distress, with reduced eye contact, smiling, interaction, babbling, and imitating sounds
Our PX Docs network digs down to the root causes of why your baby may be missing milestones and struggling with their health. The number one factor that we see over and over again that contributes to missed baby milestones is birth trauma, which affects crucial brainstem and cerebellum regions and their wildly important role in developmental milestones.
Birth is traumatic for your baby for numerous reasons, including the baby’s position in utero, the duration of the birth process, or birth interventions (c-section, vacuum, forceps). These all cause high levels of physical tension on the delicate tissues of the brainstem and upper neck, which house the vagus nerve and are responsible for autonomic nervous system regulation and function, motor tone and coordination, immune and digestive function, and so much more.
The impact of these various physical stressors on a developing infant’s nerves and muscles in the head, neck, and upper torso is significant. This leads to subluxation, which is often the most underestimated and overlooked aspect when considering developmental delays and neurodevelopmental challenges in babies and children later on in life as well.
If your baby is displaying signs of colic, reflux, constipation, or is having difficulty sleeping or eating, these are all indications that there is subluxation affecting your baby’s nervous system.
When your baby’s nervous system is subluxated, and they are in a sympathetic dominant state (fight or flight), that stops and limits development and milestone progression. This neurological imbalance is known as its own condition called dysautonomia.
And as renowned Cellular Biologist and leading Epigenetic Researcher Dr. Bruce Lipton perfectly states, “You can’t be in growth and protection at the same time.” So if your baby is stuck in sympathetic fight or flight mode, they can’t also be in growth and development mode. Which by far is the dominant mode your baby is supposed to be in and stay in for quite a while!
We understand the significance of your concerns as parents. You have an unparalleled connection with your child, observing them 24/7. If your pediatrician isn’t giving due attention to your “gut instinct” concerns about your infant’s development, our PX Docs network is ready to help.
Parents need and deserve a different approach and that starts with a different perspective. Your baby deserves to be checked for subluxation, dysautonomia, and developmental delays early and often, and not rely on a “watch and wait” approach.
The most frustrating phrases we hear from countless parents who bring their kids in for care years down the road are, “we wish we had known this before” and “they told us not to worry, they’ll grow out of it.” Unfortunately, that is simply not the case. Again and again, we see in a child’s case history that they did not “grow out of” their colic or sleep challenges but instead grew “into” things like chronic gut issues, autoimmune challenges, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, anxiety, autism, and more.
It all starts with finding out to what degree and where precisely within your baby’s nervous system their tension and subluxations lie. Our trained and ready PX Docs start with an in-depth case history and examination of your baby and also utilize incredible technology called INSiGHT Scans.
These scans take only minutes to use, are entirely safe and non-invasive, and help find exactly where those areas of altered tone and tension are. Baby milestones can involve so much, and the rapidly developing brain and nervous system are quite intricate systems.
Isla’s parents noticed a change in her movement after her very first adjustment. She fell asleep in her car seat on the way home and wasn’t leaning to her preferred left side. She was also able to lift her chin from her chest when she was taking her bottle. After 5 adjustments at her PX Doc office, it was decided she no longer needed a helmet! The adjustments had given her the range of motion she needed to round out her head as she grew.
She continues to progress with each adjustment and is able to move her head easily in both directions. She is meeting her baby milestones in the correct order, and her parents know that she would not be where she is today without Neuroligically-Focused Chiropractic Care.
By optimizing your baby’s nervous system function and supporting development, our Neuro-Tonal Chiropractic Adjustments can be instrumental in fostering a healthy and thriving baby who meets all his or her milestones in the right order.
If you’re a parent seeking to provide the best possible start for your child’s development, check out our PX Docs directory to find a PX Doc local to you. They will help you explore the benefits of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care for your baby’s early development and unlock the potential of your little one’s growth. Babies are meant to be healthy, meet their milestones and grow up with a strong foundation to become resilient, healthy, and thriving!
Article Sources
Child Mind Institute. (n.d.). Parents Guide to Developmental Milestones. Retrieved from
About the Author
Dr. Tony Ebel is the lead writer and educational guide for PX Docs. He is a Certified Pediatric + Wellness Chiropractor with 15 years of clinical experience. In addition, Dr. Tony has been teaching and training other Pediatric + Family Chiropractors for the past 10+ years, primarily teaching the clinical protocols he created for pediatric neurodevelopmental challenges such as Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Epilepsy, Anxiety, and more. This clinical program is now taught in collaboration with the Life University Postgraduate Department and has over 500 graduates. Dr. Tony’s passion is educating, empowering, and informing parents about the nervous system's role in natural, drug-free healing for all pediatric conditions and cases.